Tag Archives: Morning Teleportation

A Reaction to Morning Teleportation’s “Expanding Anyway”

I started the day with bloodshot eyes and a bowl of cinnamon toasters with extra cinnamon, as i did every morning.
As i wandered out of the cafeteria trying to find my place in that collegiate world of elongated snowfall and brown cardigans – still dazed from the stolen chardonnay and Pabst blue swill of the previous night – a dampened spark of familiarity lit my eyes as i looked upon my friend the captain hustling smokes out of equally hungover and psychotic, (but maybe less jaded) denizens of the Missoula nightlife. I grunted, “hey, forget those, lets hit holiday and pick some up ourselves.”  Continue reading A Reaction to Morning Teleportation’s “Expanding Anyway”